The Mobile Access Gateway (MAG) is an open source initiative to support the integration of your application with the Swiss Electronic Patient Record (EPR). It allows you to connect your application to the Swiss EPR via HL7® FHIR®, the standard for healthcare interoperability, under the terms of the proposed mHealth specifications.

The Mobile Access Gateway can be deployed as a microservice in your IT infrastructure.

The software is licenced under the business-friendly Apache Software License 2.0 and is based on the IPF and HAPI FHIR platforms.

In A Nutshell

Why open-source software?

“Open source” refers to any kind of software that is available under an open source licence. It allows anyone using the code under that licence to use and modify the source code to meet their own specific needs. Open source software offers: visibility into source code for full transparency, open standards for interoperability; and shared development costs for open source projects, among many other advantages.

Become part of the open community! Benefit from collective knowledge and advance the progress of healthcare interoperability.

What is the Swiss EPR?

The Swiss Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is where your personal health-related documents can be collected together. With the EPR, you have control over your documents and you can enable your healthcare professionals to access treatment-relevant information regardless of time and place. This is a patient-centric approach: so you can decide for yourself who may view which of your documents and when.

Take advantage of the opportunity that health information is accessible at any time via a secure internet connection: on a computer or smartphone, at home or on the go.

How does mobile health work?

Mobile health (mHealth) is the organizational and technical requirement to send, store and access health-related data via the EPR, with mobile applications and devices. According to Swiss regulations and legislation, EPR providers must support certain technical profiles defined by the IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) to ensure interoperability. Although IHE FHIR-based mobile profiles are not yet part of the regulation, it is still worth providing a simplified interface for mobile access. The need to reuse healthcare data from mobile devices and applications is growing rapidly.

The proposed mHealth specifications of the Swiss EPR have already been implemented into the Mobile Access Gateway. You can therefore use the Mobile Access Gateway to connect your application to the Swiss EPR via FHIR.


Your FHIR-based connection to the Swiss EPR